Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Lost Boys of Sudan: Peter

In 2005 a 21 year long civil war ended in Sudan. This war forced many sudanese boys to migrate from their homes to refugee camps. These boys would soon be know as "The Lost Boys" because they were found without their parents. One of these boys was Peter. Peter was used to life in the Kenyan refugee camp, living with many other lost boys, and basically going through the same things everyday. Everything would change when the SPLA (Sudan People's Liberation Army).
Peter is excited about the change, going to America and leaves his most valuable memories to the friends he will be leaving behind. The SPLA has decided that he will be one of the boys going to Houston, Texas. Peter was excited to move because he believed that America would be like heaven compaired to the refugee camp. He promised his friends that he would send money that he earned to them, because he wanted to do everything he could to help. Peter was going to be grouped with Santino and a few other boys in a house in Houston.

Eventually, Peter decided that he had nothing to work for and he needed to get an education. Peter moved from Texas to Kansas, without even telling Santino, whom he promised he would tell if he decided to leave. Peter moved to Kansas so that he would be able to get a good education and finish school, and from then he could probably get a better job with better pay.
Peter called his friends back at the refugee camp, who asked him to send more money. He felt pressured because he didn't have enough time for everything. He woke up early for school, then came home and then went to work and then did homework and barely even had enough time to sleep, and so he didn't have much time to call or send money to them.

Peter, when he had first arrived, had to deal with culture shock because everyone was dressed differently, and he felt uncomfortable and left out because his skin was a darker color than the black americans. He was surprised by the way the black people of america acted because they were so aggresive when playing games as well as most everything else, and he developed an image of all black people to be aggresive, gang member, thieves. Later his view of the other people changed when he was able to mix with other cultures at school and was able to talk with people of the same culture on the streets.

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