Thursday, October 8, 2009

Da Vinci: A Genius

Da Vinci can be characterized as a Renaissance Man because, he lived during the Renaissance and played a large role in it. He was a great artist and scientist that was the Genius of his time. He was way ahead of his time, although some people wouldn't have realized it. We can tell from the Exhibition, Da Vinci The Genius, that he was very intelligent. He designed all of these flying machines from his fascination with birds, including a pyramid shaped parachute that came down easier and smoother than a modern parachute. He also designed "wings", and a hang glider so that people could fly just as the birds could. Also many of his paintings are well know including the most famous painting in the world, the Mona Lisa. She is in the Louvre, in Paris, France, and it's said that she may be Da Vinci himself although in a woman's form. Da Vinci used many layers when painting Mona Lisa so create the look of a thin 'veil' on her head. Da Vinci was a genius and may very well be one of the most famous artist/scientist known to people.

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